Cockbox — Yeah it's servers with cocks

Privacy Policy
Cockbox support is getting a little more comfortable

Our support guaranteed 24 hour responses to all tickets created in the month of April. We only had to issue server credit for like half of the tickets. During May, we will guarantee a 48 hour response window to tickets. If we take longer than this to respond to your ticket, you will receive 3x server credit for the time you waited. We still don't provide support for help with user software, but if you're reporting an issue you can rest easy knowing a response is coming "soon".

Information Cockbox Collects

  • Any information you willingly provide to the site, such as your E-mail address
  • Any information hosted on your server is of course really hosted on Cockbox's server
  • Any information given in a support ticket

How that information is used

  • Cockbox does not sell your data at all ever to anyone ever
  • Cockbox does not look at what's on your server unless forced to, for example by a legal order
  • Cockbox may however externally look at public facing services like HTTP servers at any time.